You're absolutely right about diversity in thought amongst Black people. I imagine the majority of the criticism you're receiving is from Americans. It seems as though you actually have diversity when it comes to political parties in Switzerland where we are stuck with two viable parties. One has all but abandoned any type of outreach to minorities. The other pays us lip service but at least we see ourselves represented there. The irony is that Black Americans are generally conservative and probably the most religious group but Republicans have no appeal to us because they have embraced their far right base and seem to be actively trying to prevent us from voting in significant numbers. They refer to us as being stuck on the Democratic plantation, insinuating that we can't think for ourselves. And they prop up any Black person that says they things they want to say about Black people as "independent thinkers."
I wish we had other viable options for elected officials. I'm wiling to bet that Black and Brown Americans would flock to a sensible third party in a heartbeat. I feel like most Americans, not just Black and Brown people, are settling when it comes to our elected officials. We ned to move past voting against candidates and voting for people that truly inspire us.