Marcus T
6 min readMar 13, 2020


I didn’t read the other articles since they were simply cases of events where people did the things you considered racist.

Your assumption that all these links are just “someone did something bad to a guy and he was BLACK, so it must be RACIST” means you completely missed why they are racist. You just dismiss these things with no regard. They aren’t important enough for you to consider yet your opinion is supposed to be important enough to change my views. And you surely missed the story about how focusing on intention downplays the impact on the people being hurt by bad actions, which is exactly what you’re doing over and over and over.

And again, I’ve read everything as far as I can remember.

But you said you didn’t read everything. (circles)

Why am I the one who’s required to read your comments and respond to them in full detail, but you’re justified in skipping my comments deliberately?

Because I’ve responded to your bullshit in full detail already. You’re trying to make some grand argument but you’re not even responding to the whole of what I wrote. It’s like you have this agenda that you’re stuck on so no matter what I write you’re not going to listen. So when you actually admit that you haven’t read most of what I wrote and have the nerve to respond as if you are comprehending my words, it’s infuriating. I’ve read all of your bullshit, which you keep repeating and repeating. (I know. Me too, right?) You keep bitching about me not responding to your questions, but I have, in full detail. You keep refusing to actually read my responses and then throwing it in my face that you can’t be bothered to do so. How else am I to respond to your arrogance and patronization?

But I have two important questions for you:

The next part will be my response to your important questions. Pay attention.

Why am I at fault for not immediately responding to your comments, but you aren’t at any kind of fault at all for intentionally ignoring my questions and comments towards you?

I’m not sure what more of a response you want. Haven’t I covered everything? I guess you’re just stuck on my refusal to see things your way, which contradicts my actual life experience. You don’t seem to get this. I don’t know if nothing bad has ever happened to you. It sounds like you’ve never experienced racism of any kind, much less decades of racist events that in no way can be erased from one’s psyche. You insist on wanting me to give people the benefit of the doubt, or at least consider their side of the story? Is that what you’re still bitching about? I already stated that someone’s actions can be unintentionally racist, but that doesn’t mean the actions don’t hurt. I keep being sarcastic about your sentiment based on what you keep writing, but do you really feel that someone should not be held accountable for things they do to hurt others if they didn’t intend to hurt them? Or are you saying that the people who feel hurt shouldn’t feel hurt, they should suppress their initial reactions, whether it’s based on intuition or actual experience, and try to see things from the point of view of the bad actor? And does this apply to all things or is it just Black people that need to just shut up and take it.

Going back to the BBC broadcaster — you insist on giving him the benefit of the doubt. I cannot. I’ve given you many reason for why there is no excuse for that, especially from someone working in news media. There’s no way he didn’t know how that would be interpreted, especially on top of all the other hateful things that have been said in the media ever since Harry and Meghan got engaged. All these racist statements and memes going around the UK for months and he posts that and claims to be naive about how it would be interpreted? He knew what he was doing and I don’t accept his excuse and I don’t understand why you insist on taking his side. You said “why would he lie?” To save face and keep his job, that’s why! Of course he’s not going to just come out and say he was being racist. I gave H&M the benefit of the doubt. But I won’t give it to this guy.

Haven’t I covered this in full detail already? What else am I not considering in regards to your feelings? Do you have any actual experiences you can relate?

You have this idea that your beliefs are perfect when they may not be.

My beliefs are not perfect. I never claimed or implied they were. But, unlike yours, they seem to be more based in reality. You keep talking in hypotheticals. I’m talking about stuff that’s actually happened and still happening. You want me to concede the possibility that the actions we’ve been talking about could possibly not be intentionally racist, but it’s so clear to me that they are. It is so clear to the majority of the world that they are. I think you’ve conflated different issues and keep trying to make a blanket argument for everything and it just doesn’t fit.

Remind me what I said, because again, you didn’t understand anything I commented. In any case, I’ll remind you.

Am I reminding you or your reminding me? (circles) Anyway, you pasted part of what I was referring to. Can you see the generalizations you’re making about me in that paragraph? Or the generalization you’ve made about Black people? You said I’m not reading a thing you say, or understanding it. But I am!! I have read and understood every word you wrote (when it made sense). You are the one still ignoring what I have written. You have stated so.

You should stop being quick to assume racism by looking for “racist undertones” and try to understand the different possible things that may be going in someone’s mind.

My life is not guided by looking for racism in everything. Like most Black people, I don’t have time for that. But I do recognize it when it happens. It does not cripple me or hinder my progress, but I am not blind to it. And to take my view of the specific events which we have been discussing and to extrapolate that I walk through life with racism radar is presumptuous and further illustrates my point about you making generalizations not just about me but all Black people who actually call out racism. And is it just us “crying wolf”? Does this apply to Latinos, Asians, Muslims, Jews, homosexuals, women, etc? I am basing this on your words, not an assumption of how I think you feel. I realize that I have made some generalizations about your views on racism and intent over action, but you haven’t countered them in any way so…

When you treat others with hostility and hate, they’re going to do the same in return.

Look in the mirror when you say that. You think you’re being rational and thoughtful, maybe even considerate. But again and again you’re being hubristic and condescending, showing a lack of empathy, and not even realizing how your attitude could be interpreted as “hostility and hate.” And then you try to play innocent when someone pushes back.

And from the way you behave

How do I behave? How could you possible know that?

We can go back and forth forever. We’re apparently never going to see eye to eye on these specific instances of racism, or even the point of the original article. I really feel you just don’t get it and aren’t making any effort to try to understand. And you feel like I’m doing the same to you but I do understand your point of view. I understood that point of view as a child. But that doesn’t mean I agree with it. But in all of this I was never trying to change your views on what you should consider to be racist. I would never tell you how to interpret or feel about words or actions you deem to be hateful. I was mainly trying to get you to express some empathy for those who have been hurt again and again by the words or actions of others, no matter what the intent of the bad actors. I put it in large, bold font to try to get your attention. It doesn’t seem to have worked. Hopefully, even if you ignored all that I wrote again, you at least got the gist of this last part. It’s the only part that really matters.



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