Wow, your response is a full display of conservasplaining. Your world view trumps other peoples actual life experiences and that’s all that matters.
I’m not going to show you how to use Google. The first link I found pointed to an extensive list of racism in football. If you can’t find that you don’t know how to use the web. And how many times does something racist have to occur in your mind for to actually be racist? But I’ll throw you a more recent link instead of things that happened in the “far past” (pre-2019).
But I’m sure you’ll be able to wave this away as being taken out of context or people just overreacting.
Stop. This obsessive hatefulness of yours is far from healthy.
Where is this coming from? How could you possible glean that from what I wrote? If you’re lashing out so much from my response perhaps you need to check your own “obsessive” need to explain away racism.
Why shouldn’t Black people stop treating every tiny little thing as racist? Why is everyone else responsible to change for them? Why not just learn to live a little?
Pointing out actual racism is not treating every tiny little thing as racist. Black people don’t have time to find and document every little racist thing that happens. We’re too busy working and surviving and trying to get ahead despite that racist things we’ve had to deal with in our lifetimes. We can’t afford to simply bury our heads in the sand.
People aren’t as racist to you as often as you think they are.
You have no clue as to what all I view as racist. I give all people the benefit of the doubt. The majority of people on this planet are good people at heart with good intentions. Some people make honest mistakes. Some people are just racist jerks. And I don’t waste time trying to explain how these jerks were “taken out of context” or point fingers at the people they insult or hurt.
The problem is people like you who will dismiss away actual racism because you feel as though too many things are labelled as being racist. If you’ve never experienced racism, then that’s great for you, but a great deal of us have in our lifetimes and continue to. And for people like you to dismiss our actual life experiences because it’s never happened to you is callous and hurtful. You can’t open your mind to a different point of view so you resort to coming up with thoughtless explanations or attacking it with generalizations. Please don’t sit there and tell me or anyone how they should interpret hateful things that have happened to them. To tell me that I’m taking insults to my face “too literally” is just another way to tell me that my experience doesn’t matter to you so I should just shut up because I don’t fit in your color blind world.