Marcus T
1 min readOct 11, 2021


What's missing here is what is actually being taught in K-12 curriculums as opposed to hyperbole that riles up White conservatives raging to protect their children's precious feelings. We can argue all day about what is and what isn't CRT, especially since mask mandates and gender identity have been lumped in there as well. Are White children across the country really being made to feel bad about themselves? Black and Brown Americans live in a society that constantly reminds them that they are not White. Those children learn early enough without any grade school curriculum how life is different for them. Unfortunately, more of them will grow up learning a sanitized history because confronting our real past is too divisive for White people.

Also, good job using the modern conservative playbook and misquoting MLK. If conservatives actually knew more than half of one quote from him they'd be shouting to ban teaching about him as well.



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