Marcus T
1 min readApr 30, 2020


This is the first I’ve heard of this movement. Thanks for informing us. But I’d hardly say this the THE hot topic in the black community. I wouldn’t even consider it a hot topic considering no one I know has ever mentioned this. I had to add “reparations” to my Google search to even find it because Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule is what comes up most prominently.

But reading about, this stands out most to me.

American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) is an obscure pro-reparations group that has been attacking prominent Black progressives who also support reparations. There is evidence that ADOS is actually advancing a right-wing agenda, and while it calls itself progressive, it pushes anti-immigrant views.

Of course this is not definitive, but it makes sense.

As a descendent of slaves, I actually do support reparations. However, I think it’s too little too late. Right now I’d actually be happy with some type of real outreach to minorities from Republicans and putting a stop to voter suppression. That would be real progress right now. But it’ll never happen as long as there are enough White people who feel like it’s a zero-sum game and they’re losing their well-deserved power and wealth.



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