The problems I have with White conservatives using MLK in their arguments are:
- They don’t even get the one quote they always use right.
- They can’t quote anything else MLK said or wrote.
- They try to pretend that they wouldn’t have hated him along with the majority of White people during the civil rights movement.
MLK was a radical and practically considered a terrorist by some. And now White conservatives want to act as if they’re the enlightened ones who “don’t see color” and have moved past all issues of race in this country. You talk about teaching history. This misquoting of MLK is a prime example that I see over and over. It shows how little we are taught about the historical achievements of non-White people in this country.
And you’re still stuck on this notion of making White children feel bad about themselves. That’s your issue, not mine. I have yet to see an actual curriculum that’s designed to make White children feel guilty about being White. Yes, I have heard some anecdotes about some teachers that have gone too far in how they discuss race in history or social studies, but I feel like this CRT boogeyman is a bunch of BS drummed up by White conservatives to get votes. Most people freaking out about CRT don’t even know what the hell they’re mad about. And as usual, non-White people are left out of the conversation because the priority, AS IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN IN THIS COUNTRY, is the contentment of White people.