I think this becomes a point of contention mainly when these stories are in fictional locations. We’re conditioned, so to speak, to think of these settings as medieval Europe. But Middle Earth is not Europe. Westeros is not Europe. And “the continent” is not Europe. So why do they have to strictly have to be limited to Europeans? I really do think it’s more of a business decision these days. I’m skeptical when white people say they don’t watch something based on the color of the characters yet anything that doesn’t feature white people gets pidgeon-holed unless it’s part of the MCU.
And there is no pressure to include white people in movies featuring “people of color” because white people are so ever present everywhere in media. There’s no longing for representation. And I can’t think of an example along this topic that doesn’t include at least one white character.
But back to my original point. This debate is just going to keep going on and on. I hope Hollywood just keeps making more content geared towards a broader audience.