Great piece. I remember the buzz around Prince’s performance at the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame and was surprised that even he had been slept on for his guitar prowess for so long.
I see the predictable dismissals of the racial element of Prince’s lack of recognition as a Rock musician have already started. As much as some people will want to whine about it, they’re missing how much race factors into how we consume music in this country. The long history of White musicians making Black music “safe” for White people to consume continues to this day. It’s what has facilitated great success for the likes of Elvis, Led Zeppelin, Eminem, etc. This is not to dismiss their immense talent, rather to say it would not be nearly as recognized if they were not White. (Yeah, I’m still mad about Lemonade losing to 25)
I think how Black musicians continue to be pidgeon-holed was greatly articulated by Tyler The Creator at this year’s Grammy Awards. Igor was tossed into the Best Rap Album category where it does not belong. It’s great that the album was recognized but it would be much better if it didn’t have to be shoehorned into genre expected of someone who looks like him. It seems like no matter what kind of music we make it always is categorized as R&B or Hip Hop. Black male singers are constantly referred to as rappers. And White people have closed the door on the Rock genre we created.