Go back and read my original response. I’ve been clear and consistent in my opinion that all the controversy has been about White people’s feelings being hurt about the uncomfortable truths of our history. I’ve also been clear about Black and Brown people being left out of this so-called discussion, which is consistent with our history.
Your contention was based on a misinterpretation of what I wrote. You asked, “can they not have legitimate disagreements with these ideas?” I said they could but I don’t see any of them actually addressing anything to do with CRT. They can’t even articulate what exactly they disagree with. And when I read about increased incidences of racism at the schools where these people would rather stick their fingers in their ears and pretend racism is a something that happened a long time ago it just leads me to think it’s White people protecting their own interests and status at the expense of Black and Brown people.
So stop talking about CRT. I’ll re-iterate what I originally wrote.
We still can’t have a frank and honest discussion about race and racism in this country.
And it’s because White people don’t want to talk about it.