First you beg the question of if white kids around the country are being made to feel bad about themselves (for their skin color).
I never said “for their skin color” And yes, I am asking that question because it seems more like the fragile egos of their parents that is the issue more than their children being able to handle some harsh truths about the history of this country.
Then you juxtapose that question to an assertion that black children are forced to reckon with the uncomfortable fact that their lives are different because they are not white.
I actually said Black and Brown children. I really should have said all non-White childen. Every non-White person I know who grew up in America can attest to this. It’s not a “forced reckoning.” This doesn’t make us victims. We don’t feel bad about our skin color. We’re very proud of who we are. And we don’t want White people to feel guilty about being White. However, it would be nice if they knew more about our history in this country. You keep saying that I want White children to feel bad when I said nothing of the sort.
Race is the idea that skin color is a reliable predictor of someone’s character.
False. Race is part of our biology and inherited through our genes. You’re defining racism.
You should teach your son that skin color does not determine a person’s character.
I don’t need to teach him that. Every child is unbiased about the color of people’s skin until they learn them from their parents and peers. But I certainly won’t raise him to be naive about other people treating him differently because of the color of his skin. And he is definitely going to know the real history of his ancestors without any concern about some White children’s feelings about it.
And don’t think I didn’t notice that appropriation of MLK like the original author. Ironic since soon he’s going to be banned from grade school history curriculums.